Bruce Enzmann, Michael Lan, and Anson Zhou Win 2021 Lemelson-MIT Student Prize

Bruce Enzmann, Michael Lan, and Anson Zhou have been announced as winners of the $10,000 “Cure it!” 2021 Lemelson-MIT Student Prize for their invention Innerva, a conical nerve conduit. This device creates a way for those with peripheral nerve injuries to have functional nerve recovery while preventing the formation of painful nerve tumors, or neuromas. This is the second consecutive year that a Mao lab undergraduate team has received this prize.

The Lemelson-MIT Student Prize recognizes undergraduate teams and graduate students who have invented solutions in prize categories that represent significant sectors of the global economy. The recognition that college students receive from winning the Lemelson-MIT Student Prize provides new opportunities and support for students’ work as inventors. The “Cure it!” category rewards students working on technology-based inventions that involve healthcare. In addition to prize money, winners receive a national media campaign and exposure to investment and business communities. As well as a paid trip to an awards celebration. (source: Lemelson-MIT Student Prize website)

Congratulations all! We are very proud of your work!